Plasma or PRP Therapy

Medical treatment based on the use of autologous plasma, as a vehicle for the controlled release of several factors stimulating cell growth, will multiply fibroblasts, with an increase in the production of collagen and elastin, which accelerate and optimize the restoration and repair of tissues. Plasma is an autologous biological material that is obtained from the patient's own blood. It is a simple treatment, does not require hospitalization or previous preparations, as well as being free of risk of allergy. It is therefore a safe treatment that allows a quick return to daily activities.

– Rejuvenescimento cutâneo (combate a flacidez, rídulas e linhas de expressão, uniformiza a tez da pele, ou seja, produz um melhoramento generalizado da pele. Pode ser aplicado em rosto, pescoço, decoleté e mãos).
– Tratamento capilar (ajuda a estagnar a queda capilar, assim como produz densificação capilar).
– Cicatrizes e estrias (melhoramento de aspecto, coloração e elasticidade da pele afectada).