Are dried fruits and dieting compatible?
Really good sources of fat, there aren't many in the plant kingdom, like olive oil and avocado, nuts are the best.
– They are very satiating, but have a lot of nutritional quality, so we should limit their consumption to 30gr/day;
– Easy to consume;
– Portable and practical;
– Ideal for ketogenic or low carb diets.
However, they should be eaten raw or roasted naturally.
Being all good, the best are:
– Macadamia, very rich in magnesium;
– Pistachios, with more concentration of B6 than all foods;
– Almonds, rich in calcium;
– Nuts, the best for cardiovascular health and cognitive function, due to Omega 3;
-Hazelnuts, anti-inflammatory and rich in Arginine, which promotes the production of nitric acid, improving circulation;
– Pine nuts, which are made up of a high percentage of protein (31g x 100gr of product).

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