Weight Loss Clinic
Welcome to the Dr Tallon Weight Loss Clinic Website
We are the Weight Loss Clinic with the most experience and the most satisfied customers for having lost weight in a healthy way in Portugal.
In 38 years, we have helped more than 200,000 people lose weight healthily and lastingly with our science-based treatment plans.
Dr José Maria Tallon
Lose weight quickly and healthily
Our Method to Lose Weight Fast
At the weight loss clinics Dr. Tallon we do obesity consultations. Each person receives a specific diet after we assess the specific needs of each case.
The diet is accompanied by a prescription prescribed by our nutrition specialists. The associated tablets are dosed depending on each patient's history, particular situation and goals.
Why Choose Dr Tallon Weight Loss Clinic

35 Years of Experience
We are the Weight Loss Clinic with the most experience in treating obesity and weight loss on a national and international level.

Healthy Weight Loss
We design a personalized plan for each person. Improve your health. Increase your self-esteem. Always lose weight in a healthy way.

Science-Based Treatments
Our methods are scientifically based. Discover Professor José M Tallon's extensive CV and some of the scientific studies published by him.

Goodbye Belly. From €80
Our treatments consist of personalized consultations in our clinics or online + specific medications for you.

Portuguese, Spanish and English

Permanent Monitoring

In-person Consultations
In-person consultations. Contact us to book your appointment at one of our weight loss clinics near you.

Online Appointments
Weight loss treatments in the comfort of your home with our online consultation. The medication will be sent to your address.
Some Numbers Achieved Through Our Weight Loss Treatment
Years of Experience
People who lost weight with our help
Weight Lost by Customers (Kgs)
Our Weight Loss Clinic Price List
Price list for weight loss plans
Initial Nutrition Consultation
- Evaluation consultation with your doctor/dietician
- Obtaining clinical and personal history
- Analysis of the situation and determination of the patient's goals
- Personalized medication prescription (when needed)
Consultation Nutrition Review
- Follow-up of the plan implemented every 50 days
- Analysis, measurement of progress and clarification of doubts
- Decision on next period and goals
- Personalized medication prescription (when needed)
Weight Loss Pills
- Pills should be taken twice a day, two hours before lunch and dinner
- Will be suitable for each particular case
- A doctor's prescription will always be required. Medicines can be collected from pharmacies or, at the request of the patient, sent to the indicated address
- Personalized medication prescription (when needed)
How Our Weight Loss Clinic's Weight Loss Treatment Works
Contact us
Contact us to schedule your first in-person or online consultation.
On the scheduled day and time, you will have your first consultation with a specialist doctor dedicated to your specific case.
Constant Support
When you are following our plan created specifically for you, you will count on our constant support to achieve your ultimate goal
Do you want to start losing weight quickly and healthily?
Clients Satisfied With Our Clinic’s Treatments
I hadn't reached that weight in 24 years (I won't say what it is. lol). 15kgs, gone. Was it easy? As long as we are motivated, we can achieve anything. I “fished” a friend to do it with me. We pull for each other. Thank you to Clínica Tallon
FAQs about our weight loss treatment
How to lose weight or lose weight quickly?
Losing weight quickly is not easy, but there are healthy ways that can help a lot.
If you want lasting results, the secret is mainly based on changing habits. And be careful not to exaggerate the amount of kilos you lose each week. This is why we strongly recommend that you be accompanied by a specialist. Some tips that can help:
- Reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates and excessively sweet foods
- Each meal should have a source of protein, fat and vegetables
- Lead a more active life. Move more every day.
- Drink water before meals
- Eat soluble fiber
- Drink coffee or tea
- Eat food slowly
- Sleep well
This is obviously a very short and summarized list of some of the things you can do to reduce your weight in an effective, healthy and lasting way.
How to lose belly fat fast?
The answer to this question is very much in line with the previous one that we recommend reading.
Other recommendations that can be added are:
- Reduce your intake of alcoholic beverages.
- Reduce stress levels.
- Exercise, especially with an important aerobic component.
- Do localized exercises, such as sit-ups.
Is it healthy to lose several pounds in a few days?
Overweight and obesity are increasing year after year. This problem affects increasingly younger people, which is why it has long since stopped being treated as a “just aesthetic” problem to be treated as a chronic disease with serious health consequences.
According to many experts, the maximum weight you should lose per week is 1 kilo. Most studies have shown that losing weight in a continuous and sustained way has better results in the long term.
Losing more weight than this can increase several risk factors in a patient. Typically people's preferred method for losing weight fast is low-calorie diets. For example 800 calories per day. Few people choose to make this reduction, increasing physical exercise which makes the goal more difficult to achieve.
Most people who use strict and aggressive diets end up regaining all the weight they lost, and often even gain some weight within a period of 1 to 3 years.
Several independent studies have shown that when monitored by a doctor, the rapid weight loss process improves considerably in terms of results.
At Clínica Dr Tallon, this is what we provide. Close monitoring of our patients so that new eating and lifestyle habits are definitive. This is at the same time that we use manipulations that can give the necessary push to achieve visible and desired results.
What are the best eating plans to lose belly fat?
We recommend carefully reading the following question with the same content about the most well-known diets.
Due to lack of time or comfort, eating habits have changed, and our typical Mediterranean diet has given way to fried foods, cakes, fast food and all types of pre-cooked food very rich in saturated fat, the worst for our health.
Stress, an inseparable companion of our civilization, causes anxiety, depression and other changes in the nervous system, which can slow the metabolism and make us look for compensation in food. Obesity, directly or indirectly, will quickly become the most frequent cause of death in the western world, so we must be aware and see a specialist doctor as soon as possible. Medical treatment is always possible.
We must be motivated and change our life habits, get used to exercise, split meals and reduce quantities, adapting them to the needs of our real consumption. Apparently simple, although in reality it is not, most of the time hunger, anxiety, among others, do not allow us to fulfill these objectives, so the doctor will use the appropriate medication for the necessary time, in a personalized, effective and safe way.
What are the best diets to lose weight and lose weight fast?
This is a very controversial issue that generates little consensus and a lot of passion.
In this aspect we just want to make reference to some of these plans, indicating that at Clínica Dr Tallon we will provide you with tips that will be specific to your case.
Nowadays there is a lot of talk about:
- Intermittent fasting.
- Plant-based diets.
- Low-carbohydrate diets.
- Paleo diet.
- Mediterranean Diet.
- DASH diet.
- Among many others…
Our clinic's recommendations generally involve various components of a Mediterranean diet and other aspects of the different approaches mentioned.
Is it easy to lose abdominal volume?
It is easy to gain abdominal fat, but very difficult to lose it.
A waist size greater than 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women is considered an indicator of obesity.
The main consequence is a considerable increase in the risk of diabetes, coronary heart disease and even cancer, among many others.
It is very important that we maintain tight and rigorous control over the volume of our waist. It's not easy. It is normally a long-term job. It is a work of persistence. It requires focus and effort.
What are the best products to lose weight quickly and healthily?
We do not believe that there is a universal and miraculous product for generic application.
At Clínica Dr Tallon we believe that each case is different. That's why, depending on your history, age, gender, lifestyle and much more, we will design the most effective treatments.
Your goal is to complement your new lifestyle in a safe and healthy way. You will find that the results are fantastic in most cases. Let us never lose sight of long-term goals.
What is my ideal weight?
We are often asked the question of how to know if we are at a healthy weight. The fastest and most used way, although not the most correct, is through the BMI (Body Mass Index), which consists of dividing the weight in kilos by the squared height (height x height) in meters, that is, 70kg / 1.63 x 1.63m, for example.
If this value is below 18.5, it means we have a low weight, between 18.5 and 24.9, normal weight, from 25 to 29.9, overweight and over 30, obesity.
In reality, despite being the most used, this formula does not take into account body composition, age or gender, so it is only a guide.
It can give an obesity value for a very muscular person (without being obese) and normal weight for a person with little muscle and a lot of fat (who weighs much less) being, in fact, obese.
The ideal is to measure body composition when there is any doubt or, at least, the waist circumference (abdominal fat) which when it is greater than 102cm in men or 88cm in women, is considered obesity.
The waist/height index is increasingly used, which if it is between 0.65-0.70 increases the risk of health complications by 30% and if it is more than 0.70 the risk increases to 57%.